Model M Bluetooth What's The Best Model Bluetooth Headset I Should Get For My Cell Phone?

What's the best model Bluetooth headset I should get for my cell phone? - model m bluetooth

There is more to what "the best". If you are concerned about the life of the battery, then the Plantronics Discovery ™ 640 Bluetooth Headset is your best bet to 15. If you opt for the best sound, then a Jabra brand, and you find that a helmet that is inserted into the ear canal. In general, any Bluetooth headset with any Bluetooth-enabled device works, and they were all at a range of 30 meters.


spinoza_... said...

What is the best Bluetooth headset?

Ok have to ask, we forget the leg and to run Engadget, as yesterday, we should, but promises to repair very slowly on a Friday and we place this afternoon and is now running. Hope nobody minds too much play, and we are determined not to fire a few interns to take full responsibility for the errors. Anyway, last week, a reader of Cody H. wanted some recommendations for a good gadget bag, this week, Stephen D. wants to know:

Now that the Treo 650 Version is in sight, what is the best Bluetooth headset? Small size, good sound quality, long battery life, comfort and overall coolness of obvious characteristics of the best helmet.

josh4781... said...

depends who lo''celular''U

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