Small Company Retirement Plans What Are The Pension Requirements Offered By A Small Company To Legal Full-time Polish Workers?

What are the pension requirements offered by a small company to legal full-time Polish workers? - small company retirement plans

What are the conditions for retirement by offering a small full-time legal workers from Poland?
If a company employing no more than 8 persons, is legally obligated to pay the pensions for the workers, the Polish? Has anyone heard of SKRYBANT Ltd?


christop... said...

As you have five or more employees who are in their settlement, and assuming that diets no other qualifications make available to an obligation to ensure their employees access to stakeholder pensions. They have not paid and are not forced to join.
If they then will the benefits accrued pension can be transferred to a similar system, if you ever get back to Poland.

(Classification are operating systems that are open to all employees within one year after the commencement of works old for you or personal pension plans, all workers - except in 18 years to participate - can and will contribute at least 3 percent of the base salary of each member. If one of They should not take part is available)

It should also be possible that they have their contributions deducted from wages. The contributions may be less than 20 pounds and should not be relocated because of the reduced costs.

If you are obligated to a stakeholder pensions offer, you must:

* Choose a system of li of the regulatory authority for pensionsc / registered suppliers involved
* Discuss the selection of the proposals with his colleagues
* Choose a formal system such as that which gives employees access
* Please enter the workforce
* Have the designated companies for access to its employees at work
* Payroll deductions for employees who pay into the system, you agree, and they keep
* Transfer of contributions to the suppliers of the parties

In the year 2012 is expected to be introduced personal accounts. This means it will be binding on you and you begin your employee contributions to a pension scheme if I have not done in the past. 3% for the employer, 4% for the employee discount of 1% tax = 8% overall. Problem with Htes that efforts to manage his employers.

We encourage you to talk to a decent IFA in your area that comprises the financing of enterprises, but must pay a fee for advice or to create and pay virtually nothing by the Commission on a small program of this nature.

danceswi... said...

Nevertheless, there is no legal obligation to provide pension for the employees ...

the other part of your question is, what I found ...

fengirl2 said...

A company that 4 or more people must be a stakeholder pension available to their employees but not to contribute to the pension deals.

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